rated 3.1 stars by 8 people
other drinks, easy, fall
team brewsy
two 750mL wine bottles
5 days
1 gallon container or bottle
brewsy airlock
large saucepan or pot
1 brewsy bag
approximately 1 gallon of Tropicana grape juice (or another store bought juice)
1 cup sugar
two 750 mL bottles of brewsy red wine
1 cup pomegranate liqueur
2 cups sugar
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
12 whole cloves
4 cinnamon sticks
4 lemons, sliced
4 oranges, sliced
if not fermenting in the store bought juice container, pour one gallon of grape juice into your personal 1 gallon container.
use the drink designer to determine how much sugar to add and juice to remove. we recommend a dry wine for this recipe, but it’s up to your taste! removing juice is necessary to give the wine enough room to breathe without bubbling over while fermenting.
once calculated, mix in appropriate amount of sugar and remove appropriate amount of grape juice for headroom.
add brewsy bag.
apply the airlock, then leave your container somewhere dark and warm (75-80°F is best) for 3 days.
move to the fridge for 48 hours.
after 48 hours in the fridge, pour wine off the sediment that has gathered in the bottom of the bottle (best to pour into an extra empty bottle or large bowl, rinse out the original bottle, and then return wine to newly rinsed bottle).
store your wine in the fridge to keep chilled and fresh.
add your pomegranate liqueur, red wine, water, sugar, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon sticks to your pot over medium-low heat.
stir until all sugar and nutmeg are dissolved.
add your lemon and orange slices.
simmer for 15-20 minutes. don't let it come to a boil!
remove from the heat and strain to remove whole spices and fruit. return to the pot. you may add the fruit back in if you'd like.
serve warm.
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