BREAKING NEWS: Brewsy Bags are back in stock! 🍇 3 packs, 6 packs, and our starter kits are now available— perfect for your next batch of wine, cider, or mead. Thanks for your support 💜 —Team Brewsy ****
Watermelon Wine made with Fresh Fruit and our Original Brewsy Bag

Refreshing Watermelon Wine

Dreaming doesn't stop at any fruit! Watermelon wine is no exception. It's light, airy and refreshing. Perfect to combine in any cocktail during all seasons. Try it for yourself.

Get a starter kit with us that includes everything you need or just the basics to get your own Watermelon Wine going. Starter kits include our easy to follow instructions plus access to our brewsy app where you can join our community of makers to ask questions, learn or just watch.


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