BREAKING NEWS: Brewsy Bags are back in stock! 🍇 3 packs and kits are now available— perfect for your next batch of wine, cider, or mead. Coming soon: new kits, fun accessories, 6 packs of Brewsy Bags, and some new products we can't wait to show you. Thanks for your support 💜 —Team Brewsy

Finish Your Digital Set Up

You can join the Brewsy community in 3 steps:

Download the FREE Brewsy App! The Brewsy App is the free home of our community. Ask questions, shop, meet fellow wine makers, and browse and share recipes created by our community:

On Facebook? Then come join our Facebook groups! One of the best parts about Brewsy is the community! Join our groups and meet thousands of other winemakers.

We have two groups: the First Pour Club for beginners and Club Brewsy for advanced Brewsy brewers as well. Join First Pour Club to start, and then join Club Brewsy when you're ready to take your winemaking game to the next level.

If you're asked for a secret code, just type in BREWSYCREW21. :)

Join Our Community!

Ok, now it's time to get brewing! Either use the Tutorial in the App (found in the Help section), or click below for a detailed walkthrough of our awesome Starter Recipe!

Brewsy Starter Recipe