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How to Start Collecting Wines?

How to Start Collecting Wines?

Wine collecting can be a grand and challenging process, plus the idea of having a wall (or walls) full of different kinds of wine is exciting and somewhat amorous in a sense, but, of course, how to start a wine collection?


Sadly, a wine collection is not something that can be completed overnight as there are a number of factors to decide what kind of wines you would like to keep in the collection. Wine collecting is a journey that can take years to complete, but one will enjoy every step of the way.


Beginning with purpose. Why would one want to begin a wine collect? Is it perhaps to have every manner of wine available for different social gatherings? Is it going to be a cellar for wine investment? Or is it a collection just because? Such as something similar to stamp collecting.


Next thing would probably be to sort out your preference of wine. Some have an inclination towards reds, others whites, but the beauty of wines is that there is a choice for everyone. So begin with discovering your favorites and build out from there. Considering the sheer amount of various grape varietals, different blends, different aging times, sweetness, dryness, aromas, there is a plethora of wines to discover. If you already know what your preference is, then that is a great start.


An important aspect to consider when wine collecting is storage. Naturally, you will want a dark and cool place that is free from vibrations as that can cause bottle shock. A room, cellar, or basement solely for wine is not something in everyone's financial capacity, but perhaps it can start with something small such as a single wall with wooden racks. This allows for bottle to be laid on its side to keep the cork moist and prevent it from drying out.


Another point that has to be addressed is, of course, one's budget. Depending on the wine, the price range can vary wildly from tens to thousands of dollars. That does not mean, however, that all the wines in your collection have to purchased, on the contrary, it would be a grand idea to include your own brews and creations among the collection because it adds a sense of accomplishment and achievement that among the wines you have, some have been made by your own hands.


As your collection expands, it is not a bad idea to broaden your knowledge of wine. Knowledge here meaning expanding on just red or white wines, but also the characteristics and traits of various wines, from mouthfeel to body to undertones and bouquets. Besides, this allows you to know what wine to pair with what dish. Also, never be afraid to ask for help; if you know a sommelier, they would be more than happy to assist. Alternatively, become your own sommelier through practice, and trial and error.


Once a sizeable collection has been made, you might become the go-to person for wine recommendations for simple get-togethers at home to even grand events.



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